Practically perfect…

It’s continued to be a roller coaster these past few days. But hopefully we’re turning a corner. More smiles and less tears. And lots of creativity today.

Today she made art with her hands in school (photo of that forthcoming) and after school she decorated the cover of her school communication book (it’s the book that goes back and forth between home and school so the home teachers and school teachers are connected). After she decorated it, she told Elaine ‘show mom’ in ‘home office’. (I was working from home today). The kid was so proud of her work. And so was I. So creative. #lilypoppins

The latest

The teeth could not be saved. She won’t have two top front teeth. Maybe ever. 

The good news (I’m grasping at straws here) is that she didn’t need a double root canal and the potentiality of the teeth getting infected in the future (which is what happened to me painfully twice) won’t be a cause for concern.  Her recovery will be faster. 

We will find a new normal. We always do. But this time it feels very different for me. Because it was an accident and I was there and if only I were a few feet closer, I could have saved her. I can’t stop her scoliosis from forming, I can’t stop her feet from deforming, I can’t stop her head from not growing. But I could have stopped her from falling. I should have stopped her. 

It’s been a harrowing few weeks, which included an ER visit earlier this week related to the first surgery. Pain management for this kid who has already been through so much has been tricky. Her voice is now hoarse from all the crying. 

Hopefully now, the true healing can begin.

Quick update on Lily

Lily had her oral surgery today. The goal had been to fully resposition the teeth. Unfortunately the surgeon saw too much damage to reposition, so instead focused on shoring up the the teeth and roots with a bone graft and a tooth splint (like temporary braces).

Lily is home now and, though in some discomfort, she’s come around from the anesthesia and is watching Mary Poppins (what else?!?!).

We have more appointments coming up next week and will keep you posted as things progress.

The road to recovery… for us both

Last week, a few days after Lily’s accident, Stephen gently nudged me out of the house to go to a previously scheduled yoga retreat. I was a wreck. I didn’t want to go. But I also didn’t want to subject my already traumatized child to a mother who was in break down mode. 

So I begrudgingly packed my bags and went to Mexico. It was beautiful. It was healing. It was filled with the most magical people and experiences. I was conflicted  the entire trip. But what kept me from ditching my retreat was the logistics of trying to find my way out of the jungle on my own. I could have done it. But it would have been a lot of work. And for what? Getting back one or two days early?

So I stayed. And I laughed. And cried a lot. And did a lot of yoga. And slept. 

Which is a good thing because Lily’s recovery is going to be far from straightforward. 

Lily will be having oral surgery on Monday (yes this coming Monday) to have her teeth repositioned.

Then two weeks later she will need root canals in both teeth as the nerves will be damaged when they move the teeth.  And after the root canal, the tooth that was chipped will be reconstructed. 

She’ll go under anesthesia for both procedures. 

The logistics of making this all happen and in such a quick turnaround has my head buzzing. Her dentist helped tremendously by making the dental appointments, including procuring an anesthesiologist for both procedures. But the pre-op appointments, the multiple calls with all the doctors, and the paperwork… oh the paperwork. Well, that’s mostly been on me.  And today Stephen is taking over as I’m heading to another previously scheduled day-retreat. 

Things are moving in the right direction. And for that I am grateful. I’m also grateful that I’ve got the most resilient kid in the world as well as the most encouraging and loving partner. 

But I can’t downplay how draining these next few weeks will be. So if you get a chance, send some positive thoughts our way. This kid, and her momma, could sure use them.