Lily’s cake manifestation

Yesterday Lily came home and was a bit cranky. So Urszula heated up the leftovers from lunch and they sat in front of the Tobii, chatting while she ate. 

Lily immediately went to the baking section and rattled off the following things:

Baking powder



Cocoa powder

Mixing bowl

Baking dish

Vanilla extract 



And every time she mentioned one of these words, I grabbed the item from the kitchen and put it in front of her. It made her so happy and giggly. 

By the time Elaine (Lily’s speech therapist and good friend) arrived, we had a table full of baking stuff so the two of them worked on finding a recipe that fit the above ingredients. And the entire session was about measuring and mixing ingredients – part math, part science. Lily quickly got frustrated with the process as she wanted chocolate lemon cake immediately.

So Elaine and I finished up. I popped the cake in the oven and once it cooled, Lily was so excited to FINALLY eat a piece. It was delicious!!

Unfortunately for Elaine, she had already left by the time the cake was ready and I’m not sure there will be any left for when she comes back on Tuesday. 😆

Here’s the recipe.

And here’s a photo montage from 2016 of Elaine and Lily baking together in our old Brooklyn apartment.